Glass Ionomer Cement Filling (GIC)

Composite is the most aesthetic (best looking) available. It bonds to your tooth so we do not need to remove any more tooth than is necessary – just enough to remove the dental decay and allow space for instruments to fill it up. This is an advantage over silver fillings which require a cavity to be shaped in a certain way so that the amalgam stays in. Because of this, placing a white composite filling is often referred to as ‘tooth bonding’ or ‘teeth bonding’. Generally these phrases apply to using the material in a more cosmetic situation instead of crowns and veneers. It can adjust the shape of teeth and change their colour.

How does it work?

A glass ionomer cement is one of the latest sealants dentists can use as an alternative to older, resin-based items. Often applied to newly emerging permanent molars – which are especially vulnerable to developing cavities – dental sealants coat the pits and fissures in teeth, preventing them from coming into contact with mouth bacteria and abrasive stomach acids. Glass ionomer contains materials resin-based sealants don’t use, and the application itself is also a bit different.

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