Light Therapy

Light therapy is a highly effective outpatient treatment for many skin conditions, including psoriasis, vitiligo, scleroderma and other skin disorders. It works by slowing down cell growth and inflammation that causes skin problems to develop.

Some forms of light therapy are also highly effective cosmetic treatments and can greatly enhance the appearance of skin.

How does it work?

LED means light-emitting diode. It works by emitting infrared lights (causing heat) in different wavelengths/ spectrums, which have different skincare benefits. Amber light stimulates collagen and elastin. Red light is most commonly used to promote circulation. White light penetrates the deepest and works to tighten and reduce inflammation. Blue light kills bacteria.
During the Light Therapy, devices send light waves deep into the skin to trigger natural intracellular reactions. Depending on the light, your skin is going to respond differently. If [the light is] red, your skin responds by building, strengthening, and maximizing cellular structure. Red light is also believed to target oil glands to reduce cytokines, which cause inflammation and play a role in chronic acne. In the case of blue light, specific wavelengths stimulate production of oxygen radicals that kill P. acnes bacteria, all without damaging skin. The light doesn’t cause any burns or skin damage. It’s pretty much painless, and if you like lights, the colors can even be relaxing.

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